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Stories Archives - MahaBrahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji

History Written in United States of America on May 2, 2011

His Holiness Mahabrahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamiji Honored by New York State Senate May 2, 2011 became a golden milestone in the Indian History. It


Live TV Show on BBC and Complete Diagnosis by Looking at a Picture or Listening to the Voice

His Holiness Mahabrahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamiji’s endless powers were witnessed by the senior editors and journalists at the London headquarters of BBC. The audience


Astonishing Results of Scientific Tests

  By the grace of Mahabrahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami Ji, the 18th Prabhu Kripa Dukh Nivaran Convention was held on 13th –14th December 2003,
