In Ahmedabad on 22nd – 23rd November, 2003, the 16th Prabhu Kripa Samagam was organised. On its completion such an incident occurred, where some thing new was seen. During the Samagam a very popular saint’s disciple came, who on completion of the Samagam even went to Gurudev’s hotel room. He prayed to Gurudev, “You come with us to our Ashram, our Guruji’s daughter is very sick.” Gurudev said, “You go to the Ashram, I will come after the evening Prayers.”
Gurudev advised me about his programme. I was very surprised because that saint was not only famous as a spiritual Guru and Yogi but also famous as an expert on Ayurveda. That’s why many questions arose in my mind.
Along with Gurudev, Gurumaa, few sevadars and I reached the Ashram. Every one saw that small temples were made at various places, but there was no idol of God or temple of God Hari, whose reference is given by the saint in all his preachings.
The Ashram Sevadars told everyone to wait in such a room where the work of duplication of audio sasettes was going on in large scale. A sevadar from that place took Gurudev and went somewhere. After some time Gurudev came back. At that time the head Sevadar took everyone for a visit of the Ashram. Everyone saw that in the Ashram saint’s mother’s big temple is also there where she was being worshipped.
After visting the Ashram everyone reached at the reception to take blessings from Gurudev. Ashram’s many Sanyaasis were standing in a long line waiting for Gurudev. One by one Gurudev met everyone, describing everyone’s sickness and he told them the remedies. In completing this work it was quite late in night and hence everyone returned back late. In the car Gurudev was questioned “Gurudev, what is the truth of this popular saint finally, who is not only spiritually very famous but is also believed to be an Ayurvedic expert? Still what is the reason that in his Ashram so many Sanyasis are suffering from diseases? This saint in his preachings takes the name of God Hari, but God Hari’s Puja is not done.”
Gurudev said in a serious tone “Have you seen now what the truth is ? In today’s world this is the condition of many saints. This is the reason why many people today are losing faith in the saints.”
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