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God’s grace changes fate

This is a great challenge for our astrological science. If in a person’s hand, there are no lines for luck, wealth, fame or even life, but still that person has flourished and prospered in all these fields. By the grace of God such is the state of Pujya Gurudev Ji . One day I went to meet Gurudev at his residence. At that time Gurudev was engrossed in spiritual discussions with a great Jyotish Acharya. That Jyotish Acharya Ji disclosed the secret that Gurudev’s hands’ lines are a great challenge to the astrological science. If anyone studies his hands’ lines then these lines will prove to be opposite in every field, be it wealth, luck or fame and life. To this Gurudev said in a very simple tone, “Whatever I have, is due to God’s grace only.” 


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