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Relief from Prostate Cancer

Shri SP Chaurasiya

Shri Ravi Chaurasiya, Dehradun writes that his father Shri SP Chaurasiya was suffering from prostate cancer since last three years. In spite of receiving treatment for three years, his father did not get any relief. Test was done and on 15.7.2010. On seeing the reports, Dr. Alok Ahuja said that PSA was 394.5. By the grace of divine Paath of Beej Mantras given by Guruji, the disease of prostate cancer is under control now. On 29 April 2014, when the test was done again, the report showed PSA 0.73. Pujya Gurudevji, keep showering your grace like this so that the disease could not surface again. We always hope for your blessings and grace always, he writes.

Written Experience
Medical Report before Divine Paath
Medical Report after Divine Paath


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